SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates

SSL creates a secure connection between the server of your website and the visitor's browser, encrypting all the data that is being transferred to and from the site. This protects your visitors' information, such as usernames, passwords, emails, credit card numbers.

When using an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) visitors feel secure while browsing, as a green padlock appears in the browser address bar, indicating that the connection is secure. If no SSL is installed, the browser marks the website as unsafe, which acts as a deterrent to your visitors.
In addition, with the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), encryption of users' data is mandatory. Therefore, at least pages containing forms from which personal information is sent, must have encryption.

SSL types

We provide all kinds of SSL certificates and free installation on your server. There are 3 basic categories of SSL, as described below.

Domain Validation SSL (DV SSL)

It is a basic level certification and it is ideal for websites without special requirements. For a DV SSL you must confirm that you own the domain. Usually, validation is done by email and the certificate is issued immediately.


Websites that use a DV SSL have HTTPS connection and display a security padlock in the browser's address bar.


Websites that use an OV SSL have HTTPS connection and display the security padlock in the browser's address bar, as well as the company's information in certificate's details.

Organization Validation SSL (OV SSL)

Higher level certification. The company applying for the certificate must confirm the domain ownership and its corporate data. OV SSL is activated in 1-3 days after confirming the name and mailing address of the company. For successful completion of the process, the requested information is obtained from bank or government sources.

Extended Validation SSL (EV SSL)

This is the most stringent certification process. The process of issuing an EV SSL consists of 7 levels: the domain's exclusive ownership, the organization's headquarters, its physical and legal status, its operation, confirmation that the organization itself requested the SSL and the existence of a legal representative. Activation is usually completed within 10 days, as it involves the gradual certification and approval of a list of documents.


Websites using the EV SSL have HTTPS connection, display the security padlock, along with a green bar, which contains the business name on the browser's address bar, as well as the complete company's information on the certificate's details.

For complete security, it is recommended to use an SSL together with the Website Security service.

Protect your visitors' data with an SSL!
We are here to help you choosing and installing it.